Sunday 1-16-11, Minister Watts preached on Psalms 139:1-16. The title was " The Sanctity of Life: Formed, Polished and Scripted for Success". He went on to explain that current culture devalues human life. Not God! Every person matters to God because He created us in His image, and each person has great potential.Let's say you are a new parent. The baby hasn't done anything yet, can't even say your name. But you love that baby anyway, because He is yours! You value his inherent worth. That's how God sees us!He doesn't love us for what we can do for Him, but that we came from Him and can do for others. Focus on verse 13. Life has value because God made us with purpose. He created our "inward parts". He formed us, knows all about us, and loved us before we took breath. Verse 14. Life has value because God made us with promise- He put us together well. This verse tells us we are "remarkably and wonderfully made". This is our confirmation that our lives are not accidents or mistakes. God made us in a way that allows our lives to impact the world! Verse 15-16. God made us with plans- God put us together well to fulfill the plans He has for us. Verse 16 says "All my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began". Before you were born, God knew everything you could and would be. He knew the strength and length of your days. Your life is not an accident but a part of the plans God has for this world. Your life is a great opportuni...ty! Don't miss the great adventure God has instore for your life if you just follow His plans!

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